Supt. Mack S. and Lady Gloria Wilson
"Spreading It Further"
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him shall have everlasting life. John 3:16
The South Carolina District is blessed to have many ministries and spiritual gifts operating to enhance the Kingdom of God.
Missionary Department
The Missionary Department is engaged in various outreach efforts to promote soul winning, workshops to prepare misionaries, and providing necessary support to assist the elderly and the needy.
Ministers Class
Knowledgeble Elders prepare students for ministry and for consecretion /ordination. Classes are held on a regular basis to promote spiritual support at various times during the year.
Music Department
South Carolina's music department is quite inspirational consisting of various musicians, choirs, directors, and both youth and adult praise teams.
The adult praise team was featured with the awarding winning Luther Barnes during the SC District Scholarship Program Concert on October 28, 2012.
The Technology Team provides technological assistance through various workshops. Individuals who wish to improve their tech skills can request classes. In the past, various classes have been held to improve Internet skills, word processing, spreadsheets, and presentation.
Historical Ministry
The Historical Ministry is responsible for collecting information relating to the history of the District and disseminating it to others.
Board of Christian Education

The BCE is responsible for the dissemination of literature relating to Christian Education, organizing workshops to enhance Christian growth, and assisting with the organization of the District Assemblies.
SC District
October Assembly
The SC District October Assembly is held every year on the Thursday leading up to the second Sunday of October. The assembly was re-instituted by the late Dr. E.P. Livingston as a recommendation from Elder Thomas Davis around 1988.
Various speakers are invited to attend that bring a flavor of peace, hope, joy, and excitement The assembly also serves as a major fundraiser where SC members are asked to contribute their best offerings in the form of their finances, attendance, and worship experiences.
The SC Scholarship Program
(See Menu Link)
Youth Ministries

We are blessed with many inspiring youth who continue to bless us with their gifts through various endeavors such as scholars bowl, inspirational readings, biblical presentations, praise dancing, singing, drama, and community service such as Adopt-A_Highway.