Supt. Mack S. and Lady Gloria Wilson
"Spreading It Further"
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him shall have everlasting life. John 3:16
The SC District Scholarship Program Application Process
The SC District Scholarship Program was established by Deloris Y. McBride in 1990 with the consent of the District Superintendent, the late Dr. E.P. Livingston for the purpose of assisting young men and women of the Christian Faith in South Carolina to obtain a college education. The funds for this scholarship are administered by the SC District Scholarship Program Committee.
​​​Eligibility Requirements
- South Carolina Resident
- A graduating high school senior
- A Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above
- Accepted into a college or university
- Active membership in a Bible-based congregation
The Selection Process
Recipients will be selected by a five panel juding committee. The judges will evaluate eligible students based on, but not limited to the following critieria:
Statement of financial need
Quality of essay and recommendations
Community service and leadership background
Academic Record and Cumulative GPA
Submission of all application packet components
Winners will be notified by the Scholardship Fund Committee by June 30 of each year. Applications must be submitted by the deadline and completed in its entirety.
Since 1990, several scholarships and numerous awards have been given.
Please mail your tax deductible donations to:
Church of God by Faith
SC District Scholarship Program
607 Atlantic Avenue
Sumter, SC 29150
Application Requirement
Completed application package
Current offical transcript of all high schools
A 150-220 Double-spaced word essay relating to the Importance of a College Education.
Letter of acceptance from the college or university.
Three letters of recommendations to include: pastor, advisor, and teacher.
A professional photograph
All scholarship materials must be postmarked by the April 30 deadline to be considered. All awards material must be submitted by June 15 to be considered.